Week Ahead Conditions Forecast & Weekend Wrap Up
A little bird told me that a great group of volunteers got out early this Saturday and absolutely kicked ass over at Sierra Vista Bike Park. Biggest Little Trail Stewards shared before and after shots of the Intermediate Jump Line and West Perimeter Loop. They look amazing! Word is the next BLTS trail day will be April 17. I’ll post up the link when I have more details.
Weekend Wrap Up
I am trying to keep the front page relatively brief, but want to share details of trail reports too. You can always submit anonymously and don’t have to agree to share your specific report. Here are the reports from the weekend:
3/26/21 Get it while the getting is good! Sensus rad trails flow line is riding well! -Anon
3/27/21 Total Recall to Halo, Halo to Bacon Strip and Bacon Strip were all dry. No mud or snow. -Anon
3/28/21 Evans and Miners were great today. Two small creek crossings doable by a beginner (one walking, one riding). -Anon
3/28/21 Total Recall is now rideable all the way to Over Easy. Over Easy is completely dry over to Bacon Strip. Bacon, Strip, Snow Terrace, to Poedunk is all dry. -Vic D.
Week Ahead Conditions Forecast
Alright, alright, alright!! We have Total Recall back! While there is still one reported wet patch, as of Friday there was a clean ride around and as Vic pointed out on Sunday, it is fully open! All this warmth, wind, and sunshine should mean rapidly improving conditions on Colpo, Lingles, and Bobsled so let me know if you have on the ground data about these trails.
Update As of 3/30, Vic reports that Colpo is good to go as is Norton’s Toll Road.
From the looks of it, the most north facing ridge lines and faces are still largely snowbound which puts ScrubBrush and Mahogany on the “Avoid” list until we know otherwise. If any of the hikers or runners that read this get up there and get first hand conditions, let me know or even send me a picture. Nights this week will still dip below freezing so even if we are out of the snow storms (I’ve seen too many April dumps to believe this) we have a few more days or weeks before upper mountain really opens up.
As far as this week’s weather goes, sunshine and afternoon wind. If you like hillclimbs downhill, today and Thursday afternoon will give you a full helping coming down south facing trails (Keystone, Bacons, Las Brisas…) and Tuesday the gusts will be coming out of the East South East so the likes of Total Recall, Stage Coach, and Miners will all be pedaling descents. But the beauty of that is the climbs will be amazing up those trails. In general this week, morning rides are probably going to be the most prime. No precip on the scope so no matter what expect dry on the mid-mountain and lower.
As always, keep the trail reports coming and I’ll see y’all on the next ride around!
East Slopes of Peavine from the Vista Fire Cam, March 29, 2021