Week Ahead Conditions Forecast & Weekend Wrap Up
Being a weather forecaster must be the most amazing and strange career. You know your forecasts can be wrong. Your customers know this too. And at the same time, you know there is always an opportunity to be more right than yesterday. If that doesn’t require serious amounts of resilience, I don’t know what does.
Weekend Wrap Up
I am trying to keep the front page relatively brief, but want to share details of trail reports too. You can always submit anonymously and don’t have to agree to share your specific report. Here are the reports from the weekend:
So much empty…
Week Ahead Conditions Forecast
Sunshine is back on tap after the lingering bits of this last weather system clear out monday night. Light breezes Tuesday through Thursday mean most of the moisture that the mountain did get will be soaked up or evaporated quickly. If Sunday night’s dip into the twenties didn’t kill the wildflowers, we could be in for a spring time color show this week.
As always, keep the trail reports coming and I’ll see y’all on the next ride around!
Arrowleaf Balsamroot (Balsamorhiza sagittata) near Poedunk, April 22, 2021