Week Ahead Conditions Forecast & Weekend Wrap Up
In science we don’t like to take the absence of evidence of something as the evidence of anything. But in this case, I’ll take the empty trail reports box as evidence of y’all having too much fun getting outside and away from the screens. I fully support this life choice. Speaking of life choices I support, trail maintenance volunteering gets two thumbs up from me. This upcoming Thursday, April 8th, Biggest Little Trail Stewards is organizing a trail repair day focusing on the Evans Canyon area in upper Rancho San Rafael. As previously, RSVP required due to COVID. More details as well as how to RSVP can be found on the Facebook event page here.
Weekend Wrap Up
I am trying to keep the front page relatively brief, but want to share details of trail reports too. You can always submit anonymously and don’t have to agree to share your specific report. Here are the reports from the weekend:
4/3/21 North Valleys Bike Park is dry and we had it all to ourselves on a beautiful Saturday evening. Those switch backs are still as challenging as ever both coming up and down. -Patrick S.
Week Ahead Conditions Forecast
One month in and I feel my looming seasonal retirement coming on already. Comparing the snow on the vista fire cam this week versus last, it may not be long before the front page just says “Yes, check again in September.” Those snow fields are retreating in a hurry. Maybe I’ll rebrand to IsPeavineOnFire.com for the summer……
Too dark? We’re still workshopping it. ;)
For now, mid sixties and mid thirties with an afternoon breeze for the weekdays. A real dealer’s choice of when to get out.
In other news, shout out to Truckee Meadows Bike Alliance, Biggest Little Trail Stewards, and ThisIsReno.com. Without telling me, the former two put out a lovely press release about our little community effort here and the latter picked up the story and published it. :O Makes me so proud and thankful for the community support. Thank you!
As always, keep the trail reports coming and I’ll see y’all on the next ride around!
East Slopes of Peavine from the Vista Fire Cam, April 4, 2021