Trail Report(s) 03/22/2022
2:00 pm
Total recall climb to first bench was dry with exception of drains being muddy when crossing, stagecoach was completely dry with no puddles on trail. Fisticuffs was completely dry. Climb on Snow Terrace was mostly water free with exception of north facing switchbacks at bottom.
-Dj P.
4:00 pm
Bacon is now dry all the way up to the ski bench! Looking at Mahogany, still under feet of snow through that first part sighted from the bench. It will be a while. Scrub Bush dry to Lingles. Lingles with a couple of snow patches requiring walking but dry in between, Over Easy same but one small area (~15') mud in a small drainage. Halo to Curt's Cut Off snow patch and one stretch of mud under high residual cornices requiring walking. Once down to Halo headed west, still a handful of snow patches but dry in between all of them.
Separately, rode SV connector 3/18 and was all dry except for one area that was previously dry right near Beaumont Pkwy-- actually looked like maybe water seepage from the church above irrigation rather than actual snow/water?
-Lauren C.