Trail Reports - March 15th, 2024
The trails from Hoge Rd to the upper Total Recall bench are mostly dry aside from a few small sections. Some patches of snow and mud start up as you get within about 1/4th of a mile from the bench. On the other side of the trail, there are parts of trail that are clear mixed with long sections that remain largely covered by snow. The snow is still deep in those spots, so these areas will probably take a while to melt out.
Submitted by: Anon.
I was hoping I could combine dirt road and trails and get a decent ride around Las Brisas. Spent more time on dirt roads and fixing trail than riding single track. Too muddy and too many patches of snow. Rode 3/14 PM. Looks like it's going to be next week before it's worth it.
Submitted by: Jaymes H.