Weekday Trail Outlook and Upcoming Events 2/28-3/06, 2022
IsPeavineDry Turns 1!
365 days of sharing the stoke about our little patch of mountain. For what started as a joke, this little side project has given me more hope for humanity and such fantastic interactions with our local community of trail users. From the bottom of my heart, thank you very much! And while this still firmly sits in the financial realm of passion project, I love that site usage surpassed the original hype peak of March 2021 in both January AND February this year based almost entirely on word of mouth, search results, and people stumbling on the site. That tells me that y’all really care. I freaking LOVE THAT!
Trail Outlook: False Spring, Episode 2
Warm with evening breezes is the headline forecast. Looking a little further ahead, you might want to make an effort to get out early to midweek. Thursday is showing a chance of water and the entire weekend is claiming a trails shutout with snow. But for right now, these beautiful days are going to firm up a LOT of trail and we may see a little more open up than we had before President’s Day weekend before the next round rolls in.
Sierra Vista Park Side Notes:
Note: I’m going to run this for a few weeks to ensure the note about private property around SVP gets seen:
If you see “Private Property” signs along the trails at Sierra Vista, please respect them. When the park was still a failing golf course and prior to selling to the City of Reno, the property owners gave all neighboring owners an option to purchase the land adjacent to each’s individual parcels. Most neighboring owners passed, but some now own what are effectively piers of land extending a few hundred feet into the park. Most notably, the land North and East of the gravel trail right at the beginner flow loop and intermediate jump trail on the uphill end of the park is, as the signs indicate, privately owned. To maintain good neighborly relations with those who live at the park edges, lets respect the signage where these private/public boundaries exist. (See Photo Below)
The pump track is coming! Dirt work is ongoing) near the drop zone area. Please be cautious of heavy equipment and unexpected temporary trail impacts. I’m sure the crew will try to keep disturbances and hazards to a minimum, but a little flexibility goes a long way to everyone benefiting.
For advanced riders, there is a new alternate advanced line that needs some traffic in order to bed in the trail before the next round of weather. Go have fun while the sun shines.
This Week’s Events
Tuesday, March 01:
Silver State Striders are not scheduling a run due to expected poor weather.
Wednesday, March 02:
Trail Karma Opportunity:
Washoe County Parks is holding the second meeting regarding the Hidden Valley Regional Park master plan on Zoom. There is a significant trails aspect to this plan and the more the trail community participates, the more we are likely to get something really enjoyable and of value. Here is the brief summary from WC’s announcement.
“Based on feedback from the first public meeting, second public survey, and other received comments, our consultants with Stantec have been refining the three conceptual plans into one preferred conceptual plan that will be reviewed at the next meeting.”
More details, updated preferred conceptual plan, and zoom link are available at Washoe County’s Hidden Valley Regional Park Master Plan website linked here.
Thursday, March 03:
Silver State Striders will be running hills in southwest Reno. Departing from the Eclipse Running, this is ~8 miles of pavement and hills. Lights and reflective attire suggested as well as traction aids. More details on their website.
Saturday, March 06:
Silver State Striders are running in the Virginia Foothills and Highlands starting at the base of Toll Road and climbing up from there. Out and back 18 miles. More details on their Facebook Group Page.
That’s what’s on my radar at the moment. If you know of something I missed or is coming soon, send me an email and it might get listed. See you outside!
North East boundary of Sierra Vista Park. Blue line highlights the private parcels that extend into the original golf course lands. None of these parcels are fenced but most are signed as private. The North most pair comes right up the the start of the beginner flow loop and intermediate jump line start. Please respect the property owners’ signage. Parcels in the bottom left of this image, not highlighted in blue, are also park property (City of Reno).