Trail Report 10/31/21
Ridden 10/31/21 Midday:
Rode Poedunk, Fisticuffs, E. Keystone Canyon, Total Recall, Stagecoach, UNR DH, N, and snake run. Every section was dry with the exception of a few easily avoidable wet patches here and there. Because there is still lingering moisture of south aspects, it’s probably safe to assume that trails on north aspects are still a no-go. Currently the biggest hazard to look out for are ruts that were eroded away by the huge amount of precipitation. These ruts are deep and long and will eat your front wheel if you’re not careful. Bad ruts exist on fisticuffs, UNR DH, and Snake run. The storm erosion has also exposed many more rocks N trail and snake run. Stage coach (for the most part) is tacky and ripping. Go out and ride!
-Spencer C.