Is Peavine Dry?

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Week Ahead Conditions Forecast & Weekend Wrap Up

First off, WOW! The community response has been amazing. Just way more than I imagined and I’m humbled. Thank you to everyone who liked, shared, and/or submitted a trail report. Your continued engagement makes the peavine trail user community that much better for it.

Weekend Wrap Up

I am trying to keep the front page relatively brief, but want to share details of trail reports too. I have asked submitters for their permission to share these and in the future I’ll update the report form with check boxes for permissions. You can always submit anonymously and don’t have to agree to share your specific report. Here are the reports from the weekend:

  • Las Brisas trail connector, B-Lite, and Crispy Bacon are in great shape! - Larry F. 2/27/21

  • B-Lite, Las Brisas Connector, to Sierra Vista Park via the newest section of Connector trail all dry. All trails and cart paths at SVP are dry. -Kim K. 2/28/21

  • Started from hoge, up total recall to bench and down via stagecoach. Dry, solid ground. Minor ruts from previous riders - not bad. Two or three spots that were wet but ground wasn’t soft enough to leave damage. Spots were less that a two feet long. -Anon 2/28/21

Week Ahead Conditions Forecast

This coming week’s weather is warm dry days and freezing nights. Should be fantastic spring conditions! The mountain should continue to dry and firm up, but the snow on the protected slopes is likely to keep wet patches saturated as they go through daily freeze thaw cycles. The reports suggest that everything below the first bench on Total Recall as well as below the Over Easy Cut-Off on Bacon Strip is dry and mostly smooth with some roping ruts of varying depth.

Above first bench, reports are extended snow patches and saturated trail. You may want to top out at the bench or climb Crispy Bacon instead. Word is that Crispy Bacon is clear up to 30"‘ from Mahogany (2nd) bench for a solid up and back. The view from the bench is snow so it will be a while yet before Scrub Brush and Mahogany Forest dry out. If this is inaccurate, let us know so we can update the report. I’m sure plenty of people are chomping at the bit to get up to Colpo and Mahogany Forest.

*3/2/21 UPDATE* Halo between Total Recall and the Crispy Bacon/Snow Terraces junction has three unrideable soggy patches. They are protected from the sun and collect runoff from the slope above so will probably stick around longer than everywhere else on the midmountain.

Finally, Thank you to whoever has been picking up the trash and broken glass around the Keystone Trailheads. Especially West Keystone. You are the true heros! And to all you trail reporters, keep em coming and enjoy the mountain!

Lower Peavine Trails 2/28/21 Credit: Kim K.